Step into the gritty, darkly humorous world of the South Bronx through the vivid short stories in Los Cuentitos: A Book of Tales by Ana Ortiz. This collection captures the raw essence of life in one of New York City’s most storied neighborhoods, blending laughter and tragedy in equal measure.
From the misadventures of “Bitches in Batas” to the eerie encounters in “There are Ghosts Living in My House,” each tale provides a unique glimpse into the lives of its unforgettable characters. Meet the enigmatic “Black Man with No Teeth Rides the Bus,” experience the resilience in “How My Mother Lost Her Job,” and ponder the fate of “Whatever Happened to El Brujo.”
Ana Ortiz weaves together narratives that are as poignant as they are entertaining, exploring themes of survival, identity, and community. With a sharp eye for detail and a knack for capturing the absurdities of life, this collection is a testament to the spirit and complexity of the South Bronx.
About the Author
Born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, Ana Ortiz came to live in the South Bronx along with her two brothers when she was 7 years old. Her family settled into housing in the back of a grocery store while her mother worked to support the family. Ana attended the New York City Public Schools. Subsequently, she earned her Bachelor Degree from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Juris Doctorate from Rutgers University School of Law-Newark. She practiced law for 30 years and taught at the Seton Hall University Law School.After retiring from her Legal Career, Ana decided to actively pursue her writing. She is a member of the Bronx Write Now Writer’s Circle. Three of her short stories have been published in This is the Bronx Magazine.
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